School website:
Welcome to St. Frances Cabrini School!
St. Frances Cabrini School is a family of faith, consecrated to the Incarnate Word, and committed to God’s call of forming students entrusted to us in sound doctrine and purity of heart. In partnership with our parents and directed by the Holy Spirit, our administration, faculty, and staff strive to ensure that all subjects are presented in the light of our Catholic faith. Our mission is to recognize and develop natural talents of our students and form them in the ways of faith so that they may grow all their lives as committed disciples of Christ the Lord “in wisdom, age, and grace” and play their part in building the Kingdom of God.
St. Frances Cabrini School prides itself on its data driven and research based curriculum. Our Religion, Math, English, Science and Reading curriculums have all been updated in the past 5 years. All our curriculums meet and exceed state standards and make sure children are prepared for high school when they leave St. Frances Cabrini School.
Early Childhood & Primary (Pre-K-3rd)
In the primary grades, great emphasis is placed on reading and mathematics. Reading skills are developed and expanded through a Language Arts Program of studies in English, penmanship, vocabulary, spelling, and library skills. Mathematics is presented in a manner designed to develop skills in mathematical reasoning and problem solving. Other subjects (e.g., social living, art, music, physical education) are presented in ways that contribute to the social aspects of the child’s growth in the early years of development and education. SFCS also teaches cursive writing in the 2nd grade.
Upper Elementary & Middle School (4th – 8th)
The curriculum in these grades include state required courses in English, mathematics, and reading, as well as spelling, science, social studies. It also includes special courses such as art, music, library, computer, physical education, and Spanish. Emphasis is placed on developing self-reliance and acceptance of responsibilities for a smooth transition from SFCS to high school. For this reason, sixth and seventh and eighth grades are departmentalized.
SPECIAL EDUCATION – “Structured Classroom”
St. Frances Cabrini School is proud to offer a Special Education program for students that have a disability that severely affects their ability to perform in the regular education classroom and perform grade level work. (examples: Autism, Downs Syndrome, Developmental Delay, Impaired Intellectual functioning.) There is an intake process to enter this program. Please contact Liz Hines at (318) 448-3333 for more information.
The following are opportunities for students to become involved on campus:
4-H: Grades 4-7
Jr. Beta Club: Grades 5-7
Children of Mary: (girls) Ages 7 & up
Robotics Club: Grades 4-7
Choir: Grades 4-7
Student Council: Grade 6 – 7
Quiz Bowl: Grades 5 –7
Academic Contests
Catechetical Quiz Bowl: Grade 6-7
Spelling Bee: Grades 1-7
National Geographic Bee: Grades 4-7
Social Studies Fair: Grade 5
Science Fair: Grade 6
Religion Fair: Grade 7
Math Counts: Grades 5-7
Currently, SFCS offers students with the following athletic opportunities:
Basketball: (boys & girls) Grades 4-7
Jr. Runners: (boys & girls) Grades Pre-K – 7
Cheerleaders: (girls) Grades 3-7
Baseball: (boys) Grades 4-6
Softball: (girls) Grades 4-6
Archery: (boys & girls) Grades 4-7
Yearly Events
August – Back to School Night, Feast of St. Philomena
September – Back to School Bash, Blessed Mother’s Birthday
October – Procession of Roses for Feast of St. Thérèse, Blessing of the Pets, Our Lady of the Rosary Procession, CABRINI FEST
November –Parade of Saints, Feast of Mother Cabrini
December – Christmas Program, Christmas Mission
January – Catholic Schools Week, Burning of the Greens
February – Mardi Gras Parade, First Reconciliation, Blessing of the Throats
March – Feast of St. Patrick, St. Joseph’s Altar, Easter Mission
April – Cabrini Crawfish Boil, First Communion
May – May Crowning
July – Vacation Bible School
School History
St. Frances Cabrini School was established on September 8, 1948, to provide a Catholic education for the children of St. Frances Cabrini Parish in grades 1-6. The newly-created parish and church of 1947 was in response to the increased Catholic population in Alexandria during the post-World War II times. The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word were asked to operate the school by Bishop Charles P. Greco. The Sisters accepted this mission so that the orphan children they cared for next door could be educated in a parochial school. St. Frances Cabrini School opened in temporary army surplus barracks with 220 pupils under their first principal, Sr. M. Florentine McGarry. In 1953, the new brick school was completed, and grades 7 & 8 were added. By 1972, when the parish celebrated it Silver Jubilee, the school had grown to 560 students.
The 1970’s saw a decrease in the number of Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word who staffed the school. More lay teachers were employed, who consistently continued the high quality of education offered at Cabrini. It was during this time that a School Advisory Board was established. In 1981, a beautiful new parish church was dedicated, making more room in the old church for school growth and expansion. As the 1990’s dawned, Cabrini’s student population began a gradual decrease, even though the quality of education continued to grow, with new technology being added to classrooms and the curriculum each year.
Today, St. Frances Cabrini School’s population is once again on the rise with over 250 students in grades Pre-K3 to 7, a new curriculum, and a dedicated staff of religious and lay teachers who continue to carry out the mission of our school in the Incarnational spirit of the first Sisters who established it nearly 70 years ago.
For more information or to register:
Call the school office at 318-448-3333 or visit our website at
Sr. Nina Vincent, O.L.S., Principal
Rev. Chad Partain, Pastor
Sister Elizabeth Ann Holmes, S.S.F., Teacher
Jonathan Brooks, Dean of Students
Dina Gauthier, Secretary