Student Spotlight

The Church Today newspaper would like to recognize young men and women across our diocese for their achievements in school and community life, may it be fine arts, hobbies, athletics, church, school, club and community service, who have been faithful in lifestyle and service, but who aren’t always recognized.  We don’t know them like you do!

We are seeking nominations from priests, Youth Ministers, Directors of Religious Education and other church parish staff members, and teachers for “Student Spotlight:” Catholic teenagers and/or students in both Junior High Schools and Senior High Schools, both those attending our Catholic schools or those attending public schools.

If you know of a teen you’d like to recognize, please fill out the form below.  Help us to introduce some of our wonderful youth to the rest of our diocese! 

Once we receive your submission, we’ll contact you (the adult leader) to ensure that the youth nominated is a good fit to be featured in this Church Today spotlight.  

Student Spotlight Form